As we move through life, our perception of time continuously evolves with our momentary experiences and emotions. This dynamic understanding of time and how our bodies respond to it are influenced by external environmental cues such as light, temperature, and daily routine activities that sync with our biological clocks. These signals, known as Zeitgebers, remind us that time is not merely something we pass through; we actively shape it based on the cues we receive, making our relationship with time ever-changing.
The artwork’s warped aluminium surface embodies this malleability. Its reflective quality offers a tactile experience of time’s fluid nature, subtly hinting at the surrounding environment without presenting a clear, detailed image. Instead, it captures the essence of light, colour, and movement, reflecting how we perceive time in fragmented glimpses. Just as Zeitgebers influences our perception of time, the artwork shifts with each viewpoint, illustrating that while time remains constant, its experience is profoundly subjective and continuously influenced by the external world.
Limited Edition of 3 + AP. Represented by Cultivate Art.
The product is carefully crafted by master artisans. Any natural blemishes or irregularities should not be viewed as flaws. Production marks may include slight welding impressions on the surface that contribute to the uniqueness of each handmade piece.
Specifications +
Size: W1900 x H1200 x D180 mm Weight: 26 Kgs.
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